While every part of our body works together for us to live comfortably, our vision is definitely one of the most important. The most common problems can be prevented with proper eye care. No need to use a huge chunk of your time in your daily life, as you can care for eyes doing simple steps. But as simple as they may be, many still neglect to care for their eyes. You can take the necessary precautions right now so you’ll have to deal with fewer issues as you get older.
Buy sunglasses
The sun can damage your vision in a lot of ways, not just by you looking directly at it. The UV rays can cause cataracts, skin cancer, abnormal growth, and other conditions. But these are preventable if you buy sunglasses that block 100 percent of UVA and UVB light. This means that you have to buy a good pair, not the cheap $5 kind. Always wear a pair whenever you go out, and you always get the added benefit of preventing wrinkles around your eyes.
Don’t rub your eyes
Hands are probably the dirtiest parts of our body considering the amount of dirt and bacteria it collects, so it’s obviously a bad idea to put these anywhere near our sensitive eyes. This puts your eyes at risk of getting infection that can cause serious effects. Rubbing can also scratch your cornea, which can also be damaged permanently. You can avoid the temptation of rubbing by using eye drops and cold compress instead. Check with your doctor also if you have allergies or conjunctivitis so you can treat them to make the itchiness go away.
Drink water
Drinking water has a lot of benefits and that includes keeping your eyes hydrated. Your eyes need tears to keep your vision clear, so it’s important that your body is getting the right amount of water it needs.
Avoid stressing your eyes
Our daily lives are almost completely spent on looking at screens, be it TV, cellphone, or laptop. This can cause stress to our eyes, so it’s recommended to take a break every now and then. Pause every 20 minutes from whatever you’re doing and spend 20 seconds looking at an object 20 feet away.
Keep in regular contact with your eye doctor
As soon as you suspect that something is wrong, make a trip to an ophthalmologist as soon as you can. Even serious issues can be avoided if you treat them at the onset.